Friday, February 23, 2007

He calls this look "blue steel".

Brooks Robinson

One of the greatest baseball players of all time. He was no Buddie. 16 gold gloves and 15 all-star appearances. Made plays at third base that truly boggled minds of of all those who watched. Or, in my case since I am young, saw the replays.

I am Digging This

Aguilera has always been hot in my opinion. Even through her dirty, slutty gangsta days. This retro pin-up look works for me. The USO could probably use her. There are whispers of prgnancy abounding though.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

What a busy night. Besides doing lame posts I had lemon chicken and wild rice going while talking on the phone to SBC. You would think that as a paying customer they would value input. They seem to not!! I talked to Jessy for 5 minutes. Then I talked to her boss Kenny. Who did I get next? lie Jimmy!! They obviously like eeeee's. My phone was lo-jacked so to speak so I am trying to repair the $2000 charges against me that clearly are not mine. They know it and I know it. Guess why? My phone bill has been 23 dollars a year for the last 4 years!! This should be taken care of by tuesday because it was a scam...If people from anywhere in the world can hi-jack home phones, what will cells bring??

Comments anyone?

You have probably seen it. It's still nice. Sheesh, I might get sued?

White Liar vs. Black Newbie
Contrary to what many people believe. It was the Clinton machine that brought up the fact that Barack was schooled for sometime in a Islamic school. They pointed out his middle name was Hussein. Who do you believe?


Just an interesting dig. How many rich people can you name?;jsessionid=F95B3E0906D74792C2CA7F827577770A.render1?caseNo=2006CL000261&countyNo=40&cacheId=FE907EDA6976057CE3A8B453393336A9&recordCount=4&offset=1

It will not let me post so cut and paste. Very interesting for wisconsin users. is one of the best blogs out there. is a collection of some of the funniest and more talented people that comment. is is pop culture to the nth degree. Enjoy.

Remember this guy?


Antonella, Leslie, Rudy and Sanjaya were all ass-kicked off American Idol tonight. Sanjaya was the biggest human bore there was. His sister was hot. Antonella was a whore that had pics come out today. She's on the left. Classy huh? These aren't even the topless pics.

Update: Now there are pictures of her giving some, ahhh, mouth, to a man, ahhh, member. Check if you don't believe me.

The Judge for ANS's burial rights was insane. He really thinks he is Judge Judy. Typical. He has sent audition tapes for someone to pick-up a show based on him. Dispicable.

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